Fossilized tooth reveals prehistoric shark attack on seal
Palaeontologists have uncovered a fossilized tooth from a white shark embedded in the heel bone of a seal, shedding light on a dramatic event that unfolded 4.5 million years ago.
A large-scale paleontological excavation in Lebanon documents terrestrial ecosystem of the Cretaceous
An international team of paleontologists has uncovered a remarkably rich and diverse array of fossils from the Early Cretaceous, in Jezzine, South Lebanon. “It is rare getting a glimpse on the diversity of such an early terrestrial ecosystem for this continental area”, says paleontologist Ninon Robin, Institute of Natural Sciences.
15 years of monitoring the ecological effects of Belgian offshore wind farms still yields new insights
Fifteen years into the programme, monitoring of the ecological effects of Belgian offshore wind farms continues to provide new insights. Only through sustained and adaptive monitoring can we ensure that we design and build offshore wind farms in the most eco-friendly way.
Common dolphin stranded on the beach of Oostende
This morning, a dead common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) washed ashore on the beach of Oostende, near the western breakwater. It is a female measuring 2.07 meters in length.
Etienne Steurbaut receives the highest distinction in geology in Belgium
Etienne Steurbaut, former head of the paleontology department at our Institute, has received the highest distinction for geology that a scientist can receive in our country.
Baboons among the ancient Egyptians: revered but suffering
Ancient Egyptians raised baboons in captivity before mummifying them, according to research by archaeozoologist Wim Van Neer from the Institute of Natural Sciences and colleagues.
Quality Status of the North-East Atlantic
The Quality Status Report 2023 assesses the status of the Northeast Atlantic Ocean. Climate change and acidification have become drivers of change. Biodiversity and habitats remain at risk, but the chemical quality of the marine environment is improving again.
Conservation priority of stony reef habitats in the Belgian North Sea
Gravel beds in the Belgian North Sea are home to a unique fauna that is vulnerable to bottom-disturbing activities, but are also heavily fished. This paradox underlines the need for more effective protection.
Rediscovered in our collections: one of the oldest fossil insect assemblages from China
Paleontologists have rediscovered a rich collection of insects and other fossil arthropods from a Chinese coal mine. It includes numerous cockroach wings essentially of Moscovian age (about 310 million years ols). These fossils were thought to have been lost for decades.
Living Loggerhead turtle on Bredene beach
November 25, 2023, a live Loggerhead turtle washed up on the beach of Bredene. This species has never before been identified with certainty in Belgium. The animal is closely monitored in SEA LIFE Blankenberge.